Hunt Baptist Church History

On July 22, 1879, Hunt Baptist Church was officially organized and began a love relationship with the Hunt Community which continues to this day. Through the years, the church has seen many changes to Hunt and weathered storms along with the community. Although the community has changed over those years and many faces have come and gone, Hunt Baptist Church has been a constant lighthouse, proclaiming the timeless and unchanging message of Jesus Christ, crucified, and risen to save and minister to those who would come to Him.

Many of the basic foundations upon which Hunt Baptist Church was founded continue to exist to this day. Love for others and for God, compassion for a hurting world, showing Jesus Christ to others through words and actions are just part of what Hunt Baptist Church was built upon and upon which we continue to stand on today. At our church, you won’t find a lot of glitz and glamour, showy presentations, or an entertaining experience. What you will find is a genuine church, striving to worship the Lord, Jesus Christ, and a congregation who will love and care for you without any strings. You will not discover a perfect church but a church which is trying to serve God to the best of their abilities. You will encounter a church body who will be your family and who will stand with you in the good times and the bad. Our greatest desire for our church family and for others, is that each time we meet, we encounter our Savior, Jesus Christ and apply His teachings to our lives in order to serve Him in a greater and glorious manner.

One of the greatest gifts we leave behind for others when we leave this earth is our legacy. Those who formed Hunt Baptist and who have served and worshiped here over the years have left a tremendous legacy for those of us following in their footsteps. It is our desire to build upon that legacy and to leave a better church for future generations than the one we came to. The Hunt Baptist Church family is a selfless people, serving God without seeking personal glory or accolades, loving and serving others, and standing upon the Word of God is the basis for our lives. This is the legacy those who came before us left for our church and it is the legacy we want to leave for our children. This is the legacy we invite everyone to come be a part of and to experience for themselves. May God bless you in all you do and may Jesus Christ always be the centerpiece of your life.

In Christ’s love,
Pastor John Collis

Our History in Pictures